Source: Borrowed from Sarah
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Publication Date: October 6, 2015
Rating: 3/5 stars
Grace Mae knows madness.
She keeps it locked away, along with her voice, trapped deep inside a brilliant mind that cannot forget horrific family secrets. Those secrets, along with the bulge in her belly, land her in a Boston insane asylum.
When her voice returns in a burst of violence, Grace is banished to the dark cellars, where her mind is discovered by a visiting doctor who dabbles in the new study of criminal psychology. With her keen eyes and sharp memory, Grace will make the perfect assistant at crime scenes. Escaping from Boston to the safety of an ethical Ohio asylum, Grace finds friendship and hope, hints of a life she should have had. But gruesome nights bring Grace and the doctor into the circle of a killer who stalks young women. Grace, continuing to operate under the cloak of madness, must hunt a murderer while she confronts the demons in her own past.
In this beautifully twisted historical thriller, Mindy McGinnis, acclaimed author of Not a Drop to Drink and In a Handful of Dust, explores the fine line between sanity and insanity, good and evil—and the madness that exists in all of us.

Trigger warning for this one! It has rape and suicide in it so please be cautious when reading my little chickadees.This one was really slow to start and even though I did enjoy it, I thought that it was kinda meh at the same time. I think it is dark and intriguing, which is always a good sign, but I thought the story took way too long to get interesting. I was a huge fan of a piece of the ending but I'm also like ehhh about whether or not you should read it.
I thought the characters were all interesting but they kinda felt like carbon copies of other characters I've previously read. When I got to the mystery part of the novel, I thought maybe it was a Sherlock Holmes retelling but that wasn't the case (ish). I feel like the main characters could have just been something more than what they were and that disappoints me. Nell was the best. I loved her back story and she is forever my hero.
The mystery itself was really intriguing and what kept me reading. And I LOVED how it was wrapped up. I thought that was something you don't typically see and it made for a REALLY interesting read. However, I thought the actual ending was kinda blah compared to the rest of the story (which is actually saying a lot). It was kind of disappointing how the final conclusion came about after how the 15% or so before it played out.
This is one of those ones that seems to be either you love it or you're meh about it. It's not that it's a bad story, it is just really slow. I think if you are interested you should pick it up but maybe from the library before you purchase it.
This has been really high on my TBR for a long time ... I'm a little bit obsessed with asylums and gruesome crime thrillers. Plus the cover is just perfect.
ReplyDeleteI loved this book. Unique read. Loved the relationship between Grace and Thornhollow.
ReplyDeleteHmm...kind of nervous now. I had hopes for this one. It's still in my TBR mountain and after just reading a book I had high hopes for and being let down somewhat, I am rather nervous about this one! Guess I'll just keep it buried in the TBR pile for now! Nice honest review!!
ReplyDeleteMan, I love the cover. I'll still be checking it out but it was never high up for me, even though I love these kinds of books. I don't know why...